Saturday, July 24, 2010

Has anyone else noticed

That Nigel Planer from the young ones:

Looked ALOT like Heath Ledger?

Does anyone know if the're related??

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lindsay goes to Jail! Yikes!

Lindsay Lohan has been and still could be a great actress! Unfortunately she comes from a family of enablers who have used her to further their own gain. Ever since the sentencing above, people everywhere have been saying she was "acting" or using "crocodile tears" in the court room. If you were facing 90 years in jail, you'd be crying too!

Although I think it was a little harsh for the judge to sentence Lindsay to NINETY days in jail, I am hoping for the best to come out of this situation. My thoughts and sincere best wishes go out to the scared little girl that is lost inside of this young woman's body!

Hang in there Lindsay!!!!

Rumer Patrol

Hello World! Welcome to Rumer Patrol!

My name is Jess, and I'm so tired of watching bloggers get paid to bash others. I believe in humanity and allowing people to be who they are. Bloggers that get rich over bashing celebrities need a life. Certain bloggers talk shit about people and then whine that no one likes them. Although, watching celebrities can sometimes be like watching a car crash happen there's no need to hate on them. So, anyway have a heart! Celebrate glamorous! Especially hot celebs!

Welcome to the world of fabulous!!